How Do Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Certificate Of Competence Differ?

427 views  |   August 5th, 2022 

Over the last few blog posts I’ve been walking through the RYA course progression. Some courses offer a different experience in your learning journey, in what you learn and how you taught it.  With some focused on helping you gain experience and miles rather than teaching you. This blog focuses on one of these courses. Braking down how RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Certificate of Competence differ.

How Do Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Certificate Of Competence Differ?

What is the course & How Do RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Certificate Of Competence Differ?

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence differs in a big way from other courses. There is no set syllabus or checklist of things you’ll be taught. It’s focused on building upon what you’ve already been taught. Honing technique and ironing out bad habits you may have picked up.

A Yachtmaster Coastal has the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises. However does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages. Reaching this level you may find your insurance is lower. Plus you’ll now be able to charter bigger boats in the UK and places such as The Mediterranean.

A Yachtmaster Offshore should be able to enter any well-charted harbor for the first time, with sufficient depth, by day or night. Upon passing you should now be able to charter even bigger boats than a Yachtmaster Coastal and began to operate commercially by taking paying passengers. This level is also the minimum level you’d need to reach to be an instructor at somewhere like First Class Sailing.

Assessments with no syllabus

The exam assesses boat handling and skippering skills. This includes navigation, sailing ability, seamanship, safety awareness, and knowledge of signals and meteorology. In short assessing your complete knowledge and ability. An external examiner will join on the second to last day. You will be assets over the evening and into the next day.

Passing proves your proficiency up to 150 miles offshore. Some elements that will be covered in the exam included skills like man overboard. You’d  be expected to understand the current weather, it’s impact on your passage and the capabilities of your boat and its current crew. These questions will rarely have a definitive answer, the examiner will be looking at your informed opinion.

How Do Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Certificate Of Competence Differ?

This is an advanced course, what are the perquisites?

Firstly we recommend you fully understand collision regulations and have knowledge of basic maintenance of diesel engines. Your not expected to be a mechanic but be able to troubleshoot any basic and common problems. However you are expected by the examiner to know the collision regulations. You can fine more information about our Diesel Engine Maintenance course here.

You will need a VHF radio licence, First aid certificate and knowledge of using a Radar with plotting sheets.

Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Differences in perquisites are as followed.

For Yachtmaster Coastal within the last ten years you must:

  • have 30 days’ sea time (two as skipper)
  • 800 nautical miles
  • 12 night hours

However, if you have completed the RYA Practical Coastal Skipper Course, you only need 20 days at sea (two as skipper). Logged 400 nautical miles and 12 night hours. Half the qualifying sea time must have been conducted in tidal waters & on a sailing vessel 24M or under.

For Yachtmaster Offshore within the last ten years you must:

  • have 50 days’ sea time (two as skipper)
  • 2500 nautical miles
  • 5 passages over 60nm including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper

However, half the qualifying sea time must have been conducted in tidal waters & on a sailing vessel 24M or under.

How Do Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Certificate Of Competence Differ?

For more detailed information about this course as well as dates and availability click the link below.

Posted by: First Class Sailing


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