Update from Windy Wellington

2,042 views  |   January 16th, 2012 

Many cities in the world have a reputation for being windy, but Wellington has to be the windiest place i have ever visited! It’s the middle of the summer here and despite the sunshine and pleasant temperatures the wind has been a constant feature of this beautiful city: in the past three days it has been absolutely screaming, traffic lights are shaken, flags are shredded to pieces and people walk at funny angles depending on which side the wind is hitting them.

Wellington has been incredibly welcoming to all of us skippers in the Global Ocean Race and so many have come forward offering to help, within days we were offered free accommodation and a car to borrow, sails were picked from the boat and are being repaired…

As we are still waiting for the container with our spare parts and tools to arrive we have worked on what we could meantime, the clutch plate on that caused loss of transmission on arrival has been replaced, ropes checked for chafe, the boat dried and the job list duly complied, tiller arms came off needing straightening, the Watt&Sea Hydrogenerator was sent to Aukland for repairs and many other small jobs.

My partner Ella and I have managed some sightseeing, to clear the mind away from the boat and the race enjoying the stunning scenery that New Zealand has to offer… Unfortunately in a few days she’ll fly off to London and the pace will rise once more with the preparations for the third leg of the Global Ocean Race.

By the way, an Italian sailing magazine is holding their annual poll to decide who will be sailor of the year, if you have time to spare and think I deserve it you can vote for me at: giornaledellavela.com.

Posted by: firstclass


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