Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle

1,599 views  |   June 3rd, 2019 

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle


Could it get more epic? Are we getting bored of these wonderful photos? Well, the answer to the first question is “We hope so” and the second is a resounding “No!”

The luxury yacht Santosa is fast approaching the Arctic Circle and in these two blogs the ship’s cook Sue reports on the sights and adventure they are having.

Motorsailing with main & mizzen up

Date: 02/06/19
Time: 1200 UT
Position: 65 57′.5N 012 09.8E
(nearing the Arctic Circle)

The sun is out & the barometer’s rising

Yesterday was a day off for Santosa’s crew, anchored off Torgatten. Legend has it that the hole in the distinctive shaped mountain was made by a troll but, depending on which translation app you use, legend is unclear about whether the hole was made by an arrow or a pillow.

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle


Either way, it made for a spectacular walk through the passage in the mountain, reminiscent of a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail… that’s no ordinary rabbit…

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle


We picnicked beside a beach with beautiful wild flowers and then Nick & I decided that having walked through the mountain we really should go to the top of it.

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle
Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle

It was a fair old scramble, with posts & chains towards the summit to guide us over the steeper sections, but the views made the climb absolutely worth while. We decided to find our own route down, rather than retracing our steps, and ended up on a very exciting path with sheer drops on either side that definitely warranted a multiple skull rating!

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle

Today we are motor sailing north once more, bound for the remote islands of Traena where more local legends abound.

Date: 03/06/19
Time: 1200 UT
Position: 66 41′.6N 012 55′.3E
Inside the Arctic Circle
Weather: Grey & dramatic but fortunately dry

So – we’ve crossed the line and are heading towards a range of high, snow-capped, jagged peaks under grey clouds. The scenery here is just as astounding on a cloudy day.

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle

Last night we were treated to warm sunshine on Traena – possibly one of the most stunning locations yet on a journey that has been characterised by stunning locations.

At 2100 local time we dinghied ashore for a late evening walk & more photography. I think the folks back home are getting a bit sick of seeing our assorted social media posts.

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle

Today we are heading for a mooring near Svartisen, where a glacier ends abruptly in a field, and tomorrow we plan to spend another day hiking. I’ve never seen a glacier before.

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle

Warm kit is essential this far north & I’m glad of the extra layers of merino, the down jacket & new walking boots I invested in before coming away. Thankfully Santosa has very efficient heating so it doesn’t take long to warm up after a day on the water.

Kind regards
Sue (mate, cook & chief blog writer)

Join Santosa This Summer

Trolls, Caves And Mountains On The Approach to The Arctic Circle

It could be a holiday of a lifetime sailing with Santosa. It is perfect for couples who want to sail but also enjoy creature comforts in an adventurous location. You sail as Guest Crew and have a double cabin with ensuite. Full details are here, visit this page for the Lofoten Islands holidays.

Posted by: First Class Sailing


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