Can You Do a VHF Radio Course Online?
119 views | June 12th, 2024
The RYA VHF Radio Course teaches you how to operate a VHF Radio competently and safely when aboard a vessel. The VHF radio courses are held our Southampton and London locations. If these locations and dates are not convenient for you, then it is possible to take the course remotely.
So, yes, the short answer is that you can do the RYA VHF Radio Course online with First Class Sailing. To get started and see prices and how it works, click here.
Before you sign-up, please be aware that if you do decide to take the RYA VHF Radio Course online, you still need to complete the assessment session in person. It’s not possible to take the final assessment online. You have to take the assessment in person.. You do not have to book the assessment at the same time as booking the online course though.
Upon successfully passing the RYA will then issue you with a VHF licence (also known as a Short Range Certificate or SRC). It can take around 21 days for the RYA to process and issue a licence, unless you pay them an admin fee of £50 (RYA member) to fast track your application and then it will be turned around in 4 days.
How the online VHF Radio Course works
After you have signed up, we will email you access to the course. It takes around 8 hours to complete, but there’s no requirement to do this all in one go. Because it’s online, you can dip in and out as and when you need, completing it in your own time.
When you book the online course, we will also send you either an eBook or a printed book that will help you with the course.
You will need:
- Internet connection good enough to stream video.
- Pop-ups and JavaScript enabled on your browser.
- Microphone and sound (speakers or headphones).
The online course can run on:
- Mac running 10.13 minimum with the latest version of Safari, Google Chrome or Firefox.
- PC running Windows 10 minimum with the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Firefox.
- iPad running iOS 11 minimum using Safari.
- Android tablet running 4.1 minimum using Google Chrome.
To see how much the VHF radio courses cost with First Class Sailing, please click here.
Posted by: First Class Sailing