What Does Day Skipper Allow You to Do?

3,356 views  |   March 10th, 2023 

The RYA Day Skipper practical course from Southampton is for aspiring skippers and the perfect next step for those that have completed Competent Crew. But what exactly does RYA Day Skipper allow you to do, and what can a Day Skipper do once qualified.

RYA Day Skipper allows you to charter a yacht, as once qualified, it shows you can competently manage a 30 to 45 foot sail cruising yacht and its crew in familiar waters during daylight hours. In simple terms, a Day Skipper can skipper a yacht or motor boat, but only during daylight hours and in waters they are familiar with. 

Here’s a little more detail on what Day Skippers allows you to do aside from chartering a yacht, and what to expect on the course. You can also browse available course dates here.

What does RYA Day Skipper allow you to do?

Most charter companies around the world and in places like the Mediterranean, require you to have an RYA Day Skipper qualification before chartering a yacht. Some charter companies in Med require you to have an International Certificate of Competence (ICC) which you can get from the RYA if you have a Day Skipper qualification including theory.

This course lets you get the expertise and experience you need to handle a yacht in short passages, with an emphasis on pilotage, boat handling, seamanship, and navigation.

Passing this course requires effort, practice, and dedication, but it also provides a gateway to freedom. In addition to boosting your confidence and safety on the water, it signifies to charter and boat share companies that you possess sufficient knowledge and practical skills to take care of their vessels.

RYA Day Skipper allows you to charter a yacht

Our course runs over five days as our experienced instructors will teach you the ins and outs of how to skipper a yacht correctly and safely. But just as vital you will be taught what to do when things go wrong. You’ll be guided through a short passage with the safety net of your instructor. You sleep and eat on board.

Like Competent Crew, Day Skipper Practical can be done over two weekends or five consecutive days so there is a bit of flexibility. For specific course content please see the links above.

During the course, you can expect to be manoeuvring the boat under engine on and off pontoons. You can also expect to plan and conduct a short passage. Typically, you’ll be up and having breakfast at 8 am, then casting off around 9am (tide depending).

At the end of the day, you can expect to be moored at a marina ready for a hot shower and dinner. Sometimes you may drop anchor for the night or tie on to a buoy. One evening during your five days you’d normally go sailing at night in the dark to get some night hours under your belt.

The course is taught on a cruising yacht (7 to 13m LOA). The aim is to teach pilotage, navigation, seamanship, and boat handling up to the standard required to skipper a small cruising yacht safely.

Did you know? We also run the RYA Coastal Skipper course.

Posted by: First Class Sailing


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