Poetry in Motion from that Atlantic Swell

2,341 views  |   January 10th, 2018 

Poetry in Motion from that Atlantic Swell


The FCS crew on Challenger 2 are settling in on their voyage from Antigua to Portsmouth and here is the latest report, it includes a sea shanty and hopefully the first of many!

Time to Meet Mother

All is well on Challenger 2. Sailed by moonlight through the night, got drenched by squalls, dried out in the warm air.
Everyone settling into the routine of on-watch, sail, eat, sleep, repeat. We work together to get the job done, Every day two crew members leave their watch to act as the mother watch.

It starts at 0600 and ends 2000. The crew on mother watch get to sleep through the night. Their job is to prepare, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Make sure the boat is cleaned below deck, food stores are all ok, bilges and tanks emptied and that everything below is shipshape.

The watches start at 0700-1300, 1300-1900, 1900-2300, 2300-0300, 0300-0700. The days slip by. Not your normal nine to five.

It’s now 1800hrs and we’ve just logged 401 nautical miles and our position is N23’17.96 W61’31.46

It’s now 1800hrs and we’ve just logged 401 nautical miles


All Hail the Pants of Power

Chris T was hauled up the mast today to retrieve a halyard that went astray. He donned the pants of power (the climbing harness used for man overboard drills).

We got the halyard back, and Chris T was none the worse for it. Not many people can say they’ve ventured up the mast in the Atlantic.

Steve got his rod out today when the wind dropped and chucked his lure in the water. Nothing, not even a nibble. Ah well maybe tomorrow.

I leave you with a sea shanty:

Muster a crew the skipper said,
We’re off to sail the seas,
To a destination not yet known,
A coastline with palm trees.

Requisition food and rum,
We’re out there for a while,
No half measures on this ship,
We’re doing it in style.

Hoist the main let’s steer a course,
Down there, I have a notion,
Our bearings South till the butter melts,
Turn right and cross the ocean.

The sun the moon and all the stars,
They’re the captain’s mate,
They guide the way and plot the course,
By them we navigate.

All too soon it’s land ahoy,
Our passage will be closing
It’s just the start it’s not the end,
Adventures I’m proposing.

Neil, Skipper, Challenger 2

Posted by: First Class Sailing


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